
This page details the pricing structure of our club. A valid membership is required before you will be allowed to fly, as this is a requirement for the insurance. On your first visit, you can expect to do one aerotow to 2000 ft, or sometimes three winch launches.

Full Year Membership (1st September – 31st August)£70.00
Semester 1 Membership£55.00
Semester 2 Membership£50.00
Flying CostsFee
Winch Launch£7.50
Aerotow 1000 ft£11.00
Aerotow 2000 ft£24.00
Aerotow 3000 ft£30.00
Aerotow 4000 ft£39.00
Aerotow 5000 ft£48.00
Soaring Charges (UoNGC aircraft)Free
Soaring Charges (ASK21, Astir), apply from 10th minute30p/minute
Soaring Charges (Duo Discus, Discus B, LS8-18), apply from 10th minute35p/minute
Other CostsFee
Petrol Money£7.50