The University of Nottingham Gliding Club accepts new members at any point throughout the year. Find all the important details on this page.
Who can join?
Anyone can learn to fly with us. We offer some of the most affordable flying in the country, with flights starting from just £8.50 and free instruction provided. All training is done on an individual basis, an instructor will guide you through the flying syllabus, giving you all the information and training you need to eventually fly solo. Please be aware that the maximum weight limit is 103 kg for our gliders. There is no deadline for when you should start, the club can be joined at anytime!
How do I join?
The first step is to come to one of our introductory meetings where we will show you how much fun gliding is and can also answer any questions you may have. This is mandatory for all new members. After you have attended one of these sessions you can signup for flying.
We fly every weekend throughout the year, taking up to 8 people each day. During busy periods (Welcome Week) there will most likely be a backlog, however most of the time you can fly as often as you like.
When you have been to an introductory information session, you can buy your membership from the UoNSU website.
How much does it cost?
Our annual membership is just £70, which covers the cost of insurance and ongoing maintenance of our two club aircraft. For this reason, membership is required before you can fly with us. A membership can be purchased from the SU webpage. A full breakdown of our prices can be found on our prices page.
Social Media
The majority of our communication is done through our Facebook and Instagram. Feel free to message our social media pages if you have any questions. Moreover, we have a Facebook group which members can join to stay up to date with club news and find out about other club trips such as our annual trip to Portmoak, Scotland.