Signup Form

Gliding Signups For Saturday 15 March And Sunday 16 March

Use this form to let us know which day(s) you would like to fly this weekend. Once the form has closed we will allocate spaces and let you know via email which day(s) you are flying. If you have any questions please email the flying organiser:

Student ID:
(Associate members leave this blank)

Full Name: *

University Email: *

Mobile Number: *

Next-Of-Kin Number: *
We are required to collect a phone number of a next-of-kin in case of emergency

Date of Birth: *
We are required to provide your DoB as part of our access requirements into Cranwell

Have you flown before and what is your previous flying experience? *
If you have not flown with NUGC before you are required to attend a short information session before signing up to fly
Beginner - I have not flown at Cranwell or Saltby before, but I have already attended an information session.
Trainee - I have flown at Cranwell/Saltby before and working towards going solo.
Solo and beyond - I am a solo glider pilot or beyond, please list in extra info.
Other - Please list in extra info.

Which airfield would you like to fly at? *

Which day(s) would you like to fly? *
Either Day
Both Days
Other (State in extra info)

Do you have a car and would you be willing to drive people to Cranwell/Saltby? *
The SU has released guidance on driving passengers to club events. They advise that you check with your insurance company to ensure you are covered to carry passengers to events with standard insurance; however, it may be necessary to have business car insurance to be insured for these trips. The SU guidance can be found here:

If you can drive, how many spare seats does your car have?

Do you have UoN Gliding Membership? *
No, I will purchase gliding club membership from UoNSU by the Friday before I fly (this will be checked and you will not be able to fly unless you have bought membership).

Which campus is your preferred pickup location *
Although we will try our best to give you the pickup you selected, it may be necessery to travel to the other campus on some days
University Park
Jubilee Campus

What is your Nationality/Nationalities? *
RAF Cranwell requires us to provide information on the nationalities of those attending. Please ensure these are accurate otherwise you may be denied access to the airfield

If you have any extra information (i.e. special requirements or if you are unable to do a day you previously signed up for), please add it here

Save my details for future

I consent to this website storing my submitted information and to be contacted via email or phone for the purpose of organising gliding signups. *

* indicates required fields.