Before continuing please make sure you have purchased a Gliding Membership from the SU website before signing up. Without a membership, you won’t be allowed to fly!
The Sign-Up form is normally open from 8am Monday to 12pm Wednesday.
You need to sign up via the form each week that you would like to go gliding.
Information for new members
New members signing up for the first time are required to come to an information and signup session online to give you the chance to meet us and ask any questions you may have. Signing up online without prior attending a signup session will result in your submission been removed.
You can attend any of the sessions listed on our ‘Join Up’ page to signup for the following weekend’s flying.
Please note that you need to sign up for each weekend that you’d like to go gliding.
Transport is organised via the club and relies on our members to drive and offer lifts. Please indicate on the signup form if you can drive and how many spare seats you have available. The fuel policy can be viewed here: